Cinemaa Zindabad is a 2021 Indian Hindi Film based on the Real Life story of the artist. This film is directed by Ajay Kailash Yadav, written by Ajay...
Cinemaa Zindabad
STORY In 1969, A boy named Mason, who was a student at X school of Pakistan, he was Confident and charming and he had a friend named Vincent. They...
A love story that plays out in the foreground of an exodus that rendered millions homeless during the Afghan war. It touches upon the lives of those...
The film's story revolves around an Indian Girl "Kashika" who stays in a Hotel, where she meets her Sister, who was never Born.
Rulia, a local hood who finds Ishq-e-Khuda , after he is ‘privileged’ by the prayer of a Sufi Dervish. In a parallel unconnected arc...
Ishq Khuda