A crime film with comedic overtones, Terapie pentru crimă (Therapy for Murder) follows Matilde, a beginner "professional" assassin who not only...
Therapy for Murder
A return in time. A look over the shoulder, with irony and humor. A story about a generation that could not guess in those years how close the...
Domnișoara Bovary
Sixteen-year-old Adi struggles with persecution. The boy is taken for forensic examination, he has clear signs of being beaten, he doesn't say much....
Better This Way
Meda, a thirteen years old girl, was raised up in modest conditions but with love in a country family, under maternal assistance legal conditions....
A lumberjack, Doru, whose wife dies leaving the child she was looking after, Meda, at risk of being sent to an orphanage, decides to fight for...
Meda or The Not So Bright Side of Things