The former policeman dismissed from the criminal investigation Department for abuse of authority, entrusted to engage in the search for gunner...
Serious Game
Alexey Titarenko is very talented pilot and brave leader of "Singing group". He also must look after some new cadets and fight together with them...
Only Old Men Are Going to Battle
TV adaptation of Lesya Ukrainka's drama, which interprets the plot of Don Juan from a feminist point of view.
The Stone Host
Nochnoy mototsiklist
Native mom, loved...
Допинг для ангелов
The film is set during World War II. After capturing the "trophy" Mercedes, a group of scouts, disguised as German officers commits a daring raid...
Mercedes Runs Away from the Chase
Tachanka from the South
Doctor Vera Pavlovna Zanemonets has recently been working at the Genetics Research Institute and is thinking about her dissertation. Her life is...
Safe Person