Mr. Bungle formed in 1985 in Eureka, California while the members were still in high school. The band initially consisted of Trevor Dunn, Mike...
Mr. Bungle: Bister Mungle - Eureka High School Talent Show
Recorded on May 1, 2006 at Kentish Town Forum, Live from London 2006 features the amassed crew of Mike Patton, Buzz Osborne, Dave Lombardo, Trevor...
The Fantômas/Melvins Big Band: Live from London 2006
Filmed on New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 2008 at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco.
Fantomas: The Director's Cut Live - A New Year's Revolution
Mr. Bungle Live at Bizarre Festival (Germany) in August, 2000.
Mr. Bungle - Live Bizarre Festival Germany 2000
Shot entirely on smartphones, this documentary charts the Melvins' record-breaking tour where the band played shows in all 50 states, plus...
The Melvins: Across the USA in 51 Days: The Movie!
"How comes no one has ever made a film about The Melvins?" Well, no one has ever tried or thought it even possible.....until now that is. The...
The Colossus of Destiny: A Melvins Tale
A reconstituted Mr. Bungle assembles in the Eureka public library to perform their unique brand of music.
Mr. Bungle: The Night They Came Home