A young girl from the country arrives in Paris and soon meets a designer who lives on the fringes of established morality. He seduces her and leads...
Corps à corps
Der erste Schrei
Golden Century of Porn 4
A burglar is caught red-handed by a female homeowner (played by Samantha), who forces him to have sex with her at gunpoint. An orgy follows, after...
The Perverted Maid
This movie, which probably projected in French cinemas under the title Pornographie spéciale, consists of Rage Porno, a court métrage...
Pornographie spéciale - Rage porno
Helene is a young, sexually inexperienced women. That all changes after she drinks some milk laced with an aphrodisiac. Now she is overcome by sexual...
I Am Yours to Take
Unfasten your belt and take off in first class to supreme ecstasy. Destination: Cloud nine, with the out and out sexual assistance of the fabulous...
Love Airlines
In a pub, 3 friends tell sex stories, one with a guy having a special way to hire secretaries, one with a woman who has sex three times a day with 5...
Caresses Infernales
Philippe & Jean-Pierre enjoy the companionship of several women who's services they have willingly purchased from a female auction. Each time they...
Sarabande porno
To pay her studies and participate in the costs of collective life that she leads with 3 friends, Catherine, 20 years old, works at the reception of...
Les Queutardes