The story of a young man, D, as he returns to his Oakland neighborhood after serving two years in prison for a robbery gone wrong. In the days after...
Simon, debilitated by Parkinson’s Disease, takes back control of his body after receiving an implant in his brain that runs on a yearly...
Boy Scout Leader suffering from social isolation during a pandemic lock-down navigates the rocky path to true love.
Love In The Time Of Pandemic
Four boys, now men, still live in their neighborhood. The community has transformed and what remains is the "hood." Each man negotiates his way...
Straight Outta Oakland
Sisters Maggie and Lizzie move in with mom Peg's new husband. Secrets and lies start immediately. Maggie cannot handle what follows and recruits a...
Running Away
After a night of heavy drinking, Jeanne and Deb take an empty road through the backwoods to avoid traffic where they unexpectedly hit a mysterious...
Strange Rituals
The year is 1961. Jackie Bumbry has a black eye. Her house is full of police officers. Her husband, Terry, is being spoken to in the other room. A...
The Bumbry Encounter
Years after a childhood prank goes horribly wrong, a clique of South Central LA teens find themselves terrorized during Homecoming weekend by a...