The film revolves around the lives of two people: Arjun (Fahad Fazil), a wealthy man in the construction business in Kochi who has an affair with his...
Chappa Kurishu
An emotional thriller based on a road trip from Kochi to Palakkad. Inspired from the real events that happened in Chennai.
Mr. Errababu (intermediate 5th year) the name it self says much about the character Sivaji is playing in this romantic comedy. This film though...
Mr Errababu
Face to Face is a 2012 Malayalam mystery thriller film directed by V. M. Vinu and starring Mammootty, Roma Asrani and Ragini Dwivedi. The film is...
Face 2 Face
Colours is the story of Pinky, a tomboy who hosts a popular TV show, Colours. Her sister, Pooja and her life changes when Lt.Com. Sanjaynath becomes...
The story is about Sameer (Mammootty), a sweeper with the Alapuzha Municipality, who is always on tenterhooks because he is on the police radar...
Bombay March 12
A story about the adventures of a trouble maker boy who gets admitted to a Women's College with over 3000 girls !!
Franco, who runs an automobile workshop, and his sister Jenny, a college student, share a very strong bond. Matters take a turn when Franco falls in...
Chandrashekhar lives alone in a dark and violent city. Even with crime occurring all around him, he withdraws from all responsibility and lives...
Sarah, Sreedevi and Pooja are best friends who are studying in the same school. However, problems start brewing in their lives when Sreedevi gets...
Annamma (Roma) and Chandi (Aju Varghese) are engaged to be married. Annamma starts weaving dreams of their glorious future, when Chandi flees to...
Namasthe Bali
A photographer named Arun befriends Rajashekhara, a wealthy but lonely man who has resorted to drinking to quell his pain. Soon, Arun agrees to help...
Gokul Das, an ex-gangster tries to make a living by becoming the driver of a millionaire, whose daughter, Priya is the target of some killers. Das...
July 4
Pavithran (Jayasurya) is a story writer for the stage plays of Jayabharathy Theaters. Pavithran is also known as 'Shakespeare' because he of his...
Shakespeare M.A. Malayalam
A group of fugitives end up killing an international businessman Casanovva's girlfriend, after entrapping the couple in a reality show. Furious,...
The protagonist from Kerala who goes to Pondicherry and becomes very successful in life by gambling. However, he also makes enemies because of this....
The film tells the story of fraternal twins Giri (Mammootty) and Gowri (Nadia Moidu), who lost their parents in an accident early in life. They grew...
After a lot of struggles, Prakash marries his dream girl Uthara. But their marriage doesn't last even for a day, resulting in a major clash between...
The story is about seven friends working in a new age IT company. They earn money and have a good time as a group. Despite their diverse backgrounds,...