Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making...
Film centred around a mother, Françoise, who is HIV positive and her young daughter Ana.
La niña de tus sueños
A woman journalist, Zoe, knows better than to go into a story with her mind already made up. But that's exactly what she does when she heads off to...
Spanish Fly
Nico is a guitarist who , after eleven years playing from town to town , is expelled from the orchestra unable to suppress the power within. Only in...
Tengo una casa
Historia De Estrella
Beldar and Sonja, a pair of thieves, steal a precious gem from the crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, a daring act that will lead to unforeseen...
Heart of the Warrior