Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more...
The Day the Tree Blooms
This is an engaging drama by director Karel Kachyna about the growing pains of a young teen (Jorga Kotrbova) and the hardships of a noble steed...
Chicken on Travels
Tři chlapi v chalupě
The story is about Harold, an isolated figure in an overwhelming world of totalitarian bureaucracy. Harold tries to find the elusive Joseph Kilian,...
Joseph Kilian
The assassination of Heydrich in Prague during WWII.
Komedie s Klikou
Pavel is a Czech partisan fighter in the waning days of the war. Just as peace is declared, Pavel is shot in the spine and sent to the hospital...
Death Is Called Engelchen
Pavel, a young student living in Prague in 1942, hides a Jewish girl in his apartment building's attic. Amidst the brutality of the occupying German...
Romeo, Juliet and Darkness
Managers at the construction of a big hydro plant are accused of having embezzled money.