Following the events of the first part, Mansour Al-Hefni escapes from prison and reunites with his son Ali and brother to return to the island to...
The Island 2
The film follows a group of individuals who plan an armed robbery at a nightclub, which angers the club manager, and then things develop. The events...
دولارات دولارات
Umm Abdullah is a woman of humble origin, who lives in a local neighborhood and fends for her family by running a hairdresser's.
Waraqat Gameia
The film deals, in a historical context, with the stories of a number of Al-Azhar sheikhs who held its pulpit, what Al-Azhar was exposed to during...
The Tribune
Follows the escape journey of 4 complete strangers who were accused of a murder they did not commit.
Forced Escape
El Karmooty is back! Accidentally, he was captured on his summer vacation by Daesh (terror group) and the movie goes on in a series of comedic...
Alarmoty in the Land of Fire
The film revolves around an officer who examines some social issues, especially those related to the crises of the poor within moled el saida, and...
Yom We Leila
In 2013, in Cairo, a tragic fate brings together several detainees from different political and social backgrounds inside a police truck, during the...
(Khaled Degwy) who are enrolled in one of the terrorist groups that the killings, believing they are fighting for the sake of God, and when his...
Detention Letter
When a young businessman goes through a crisis, he finds that his only hope is a holy woman who starts to help him.
Saheb El Maqam
A Christian kid suddenly is forced to go to a public school after his father dies and because of a misunderstanding everyone thinks that he's a...
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