Marcos, an adult who as a child lost his beloved pet, a black German shepherd dog, with whom he had a special bond. This bond leads him to search for...
Mr. Gaspar's shameless family leads a licentious life: he has sex with a friend's son, his wife and daughter have an affair with an employee, and his...
The Torture
Le dieron piso al muchacho
Emilio, a six year old, feels deeply troubled by his parents' recent separation. Aware of his anguish, his grandmother decides to undertake a special...
El niño invisible
In a mix-up, Tamara, an axolotl puppet, is forced to recover her mother's necklace from the least expected place.
Bolillo Mojado
A man experiences an altered and confused level of consciousness accompanied by regressions, when subjected to a medical procedure after having...
Out of Touch
Lúi: Una Vida Improvisada