A mãe do meu filho
Set between the New World (Heaven) and the Old World (Earth) the story follows the life and afterlife of Jonathan Stone and all of those lives around...
The true love story of iconic philosopher Ken Wilber and his wife Treya in 1980s California as they fall madly in love and are faced with illness and...
Grace and Grit
Tellerium's founders find themselves in the place where it all began: a secluded oriental restaurant. But as they repeat the tradition and open their...
Fortune cookie
An enigmatic tale of four people whose lives are intertwined by destiny are subject to the laws of fate. They discover that luck is something they...
A woman that lives turbulent moments in her marriage, encounters an old friend and a secret love is confessed. But after five years, a lot has...
Red Roses Never Die
Twenty-five years after leaving school, a group of former students decide to organise a reunion. But, contrary to expectations, these "old boys"...
A Falha
Noite Branca