In France during World War II, a poor and illiterate man, Henri Fortin, is introduced to Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Misérables and begins...
Les Miserables
It's 1832, 22-year-old Raphaël's gambling has driven him to the brink of suicide. As he is about to throw himself in the Seine, a shopkeeper...
The Skin of Sorrow
Oscar François de Jarjayes was born female, but her father insisted she be raised as a boy as he had no sons. She becomes the captain of the...
Lady Oscar
Eleven-year-old Guillaume suffers from a serious and potentially fatal heart condition. Gradually, the young boy's family fractures under the weight...
L'enfant bleu
The erratic life of Patrice who, after having murdered the pimp of his mother to avenge the death of her, goes from town to town.
The Bastard
Marc, is a reporter in a tabloid. At the "Bongo Club", he photographs a young blond woman kissing a black man. This woman is the daughter of Senator...
Scandal Man
Double-agent Brigitte Lahaie is the star attraction at a strip-joint/brothel called "Le Diable Rose" in Nazi occupied France which is frequented by...
Le diable rose
Paris, in the spring of 1968. Albin Cérès, 23, the son of a bourgeois couple on the verge of breakdown, seeks happiness in life....
La Liberté en croupe
A true story of Samy, native of La Courneuve, who is out of love for Nadia, decides to climb Mount Everest.
The Climb
After ratting out his Mafia cohorts, Giovanni Manzoni and his family enter the Witness Protection Program and relocate to a sleepy town in France....
The Family
This French prison drama focuses on a penitentiary inmate known as the Mute, who either cannot or will not speak, even though he can apparently hear...
The Slammer
A lawyer finds a special nanny who teaches his children all about prejudice and love.
Une nounou pas comme les autres
Julie Toronto, a 32-year-old dwarf, quit her accounting job in Paris, to be with Antoine Delisles, the man of her life. She started working as a...
Une nana pas comme les autres