It all started with a promo shoot in a peaceful hot spring resort. The "Matagi," ancient Japanese hunters, attack as cannibalistic zombies, and the...
Matagi War Z
Kibougahara Girls' Academy is a rehabilitation institution for delinquent high school girls. The principal, Sakaki (Shinra Bansho), boasts that he...
Yankee High School Girl 9 ~Nagano's Strongest Legend~
Ayaka, a former president's secretary, was married to her son Naoki and had a happy day. One day, when Shinsuke, the president and father of Naoki,...
Gifu to shimai: Momojiru ajikurabe
A high school teacher, Rina, who has been married for 5 years, seemed to have a happy life on the surface, but in reality she was dissatisfied with...
Jokyôshi himitsu no hôkago