This is a hilarious story of Man Laksa, a young man, who sells the famous rice noodle to make a living. Man Laksa dreams of marrying the girl of his...
Man Laksa
A group of ghastly creatures from the past led by Drakulat Van Listerooy (Awie) returns to free one of Satan's spawn - Lord Sharon. Drakulat and his...
Antoo Fighter
Set in Malaya during the Japanese occupation in the 1940s, this film tells the story of a girl, Embun, who's thrown into the forefront of the...
The story starts when Gunung, Daik and Bercabang stop at a town called Lang Buana, which is located by the river, while they are running away from...
Senario Lang Buana
Rock” is the story about a group of young kids in the 80s who wanted to make it big in the rock music scene. Thus you have Zack and his friends...
The peace and serenity of Kampung Pisang (Banana Village) is thrown into complete chaos one fateful night….. .The troubles start with the...
Zombi Kampung Pisang
This story is based on fiction and myth made by a professor who was doing a research on Orang Minyak in Kampung Silang. Pak Junid (Sidek Hussin)...
Orang Minyak
The story tells of a man named Rosli who wish to skip his fast in Ramadan but was always monitored by his wife and kids. Along the journey with his...
Lima Belas Puasa 1971