Rambabu, a cable operator, lives with his beloved wife Jyothi and two daughters. One day, his family inadvertently gets involved in a grave crime and...
Smitten with unrequited love, a young man inadvertently gets involved in the kidnapping of his beloved, ruining her arranged marriage. Can things be...
Vinavayya Ramayya
A man tries to rescue a family from the clutches of an unfriendly spirit.
Intlo Deyyam Nakem Bhayam
Santhana Thevan
Raja, a street boxer, falls in love with a blind girl Lakshmi, who shows him love and compassion. Raja, who has a few enemies, dreams of living...
An unfortunate young girl becomes the target of a vengeful serial killer who is on the loose. The only person standing between the killer and the...
7 years after the events of Drushyam, the family lives with the trauma from that fateful night. A gripping tale of an investigation and a family...
Drushyam 2