After a terrible boating accident, Angela Baker is sent to Camp Arawak, where a series of bizarre and violent "accidents" begin to claim the lives of...
Sleepaway Camp
Allison Kramer suffers recurring nightmares and selective amnesia, returning to camp to discover the truth as the secrets of infamous killer Angela...
Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor
A supernatural thriller directed by Todd Alcott who co-wrote the script with Holly Golden, and features Michael Rady and Toby Huss. Golden produced...
The Occupants
A comedy written and Narrated by Jean Shepherd. The story involves several different events such as Ralph's first serious romance with his new...
The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski (a Tale of Gothic Love)
Noam Stein is a closeted teenager in a religious community who discovers he might not be alone. When he finds a love letter written to his...
Teenager becomes involved in the thrill of shoplifting with her friends, until she is inevitably caught in the act.
Portrait of a Teenage Shoplifter
16-year-old girl doesn't realize that her mother emotionally and verbally abusive to her.
Terrible Things My Mother Told Me
A psychiatrist poses as an ex-sorority sister to stop a slasher freed by a computer error.
Silent Madness
A resentful 14-year-old girl is drawn into a seemingly innocent friendship with an older man, but the relationship turns sinister.
Girl Followed
Claire, a young aspiring writer, embarks on a retreat to shut off the world, and turn on her creative flow. Will she discover her voice and make it...
Writers Block
A sci-fi drama that follows Margot and Robert, two scientists roped into a covert experiment investigating a mysterious sound on an isolated ranch....