Eleana is a prostitute who appears to have been abused when she was younger. During her daily encounters with various clients, she meets a young...
The Two Faces of Love
Σέργιος και Άννα
Μια Μάνα Κατηγορείται
Ερασταί του μεσαίου τοίχου
Κοκοβιός και Σπάρος στα Δίχτυα της Αράχνης
Ο κούκλος
The Rape Of A Virgin
Το ΠΡΟ-ΠΟ και τα μπουζούκια
I rejected Hitler
Dimitris, a poor painter who feels deeply disappointed in his life, leaves his wife and begins to wander aimlessly. The woman who raised him after...
Crooked Deeds