This fascinating documentary is based around the Japanese wrestling organisation Gaea's rural training camp, and traces, in the main, the careers of...
Gaea Girls
Sendai Girls Joshi Puroresu Big Show 2018 In Niigata
Satomura scored a direct win over the Sendai Girls World Champion, and tried to issue a challenge to the champion before Hamada stopped her. Hamada...
Sendai Girls Joshi Puroresu Big Show In Osaka
NEO ENERGY QUEEN HISTORY '95 League Match: Toshie Sato vs. Chihiro Nakano NEO ENERGY QUEEN HISTORY '95 League Match: Meiko Satomura vs. Makie Numao ...
GAEA TOO HOT! IN KORAKUEN Single Countdown Special Chigusa Nagayo vs. Sakie Hasegawa