'Teen Kanya' is an anthology film based upon short stories by Rabindranath Tagore, as a tribute on the author's centenary. The title means "Three...
Three Daughters
The story revolves around a woman, who stays in a large mansion with her husband. She develops an obsession for her ornaments and refrains giving...
The Lost Jewels
Ranur Prothom Bhag is a heartwarming Bengali comedy about the endearing relationship between a young, mischievous girl named Ranu and her doting...
Ranur Prothom Bhag
A renowned singer returns to his town that had forsaken him. He finds his true love but fate eludes him from a union.
Sonar Khancha
A romantic comedy about a series of clashes between the female residents of a ladies' hostel Basanta Bilap, and four boys of the neighbourhood, aided...
Basanta Bilap
Difficulties erupt between a married couple when their relationship gets hit by societal pressures, norms, and deep-rooted patriarchy.
Over Again
A 1976 Bengali Drama Film directed by Yatrik.
Chander Kachhakachhi
A 1970 Bengali Drama Film directed by Pijush Bose.
Duti Mon
Heeru, Naren, and Chandranath were friends. From his college days, Chandranath had been aspiring and ambitious. He is also a man of strict principles...