Goomer is an intergalactic space trucker who lands in an unknown planet and finds it impossible to leave. After a long intergalactic trip his robot...
The Ekipo Ja, a group of sane gypsies led by the gypsy Juan De Dios, is in possession, unknowingly, of a sacred seal able to make wishes to him who...
Ekipo Ja
Pelayo is leaving to work for his uncle Lorenzo and to find a nice girl to settle down with. Pelayo arrives to find out that Lorenzo's "business" is...
Desde que amanece apetece
An honest and humble gypsy lives in a poor neighborhood with his family until something unexpected changes his life forever.
¡Ja me maaten...!
Un País de Cuento
Jorge arrives Cuba accompanied by her nephew, trying to untangle a mess of skirts. The argument leads to a bizarre story in which the incredible...
Clara, no es nombre de mujer
Ni se te ocurra... (dejar de verla)