While living in New York, a young immigrant receives tragic news from overseas, and must choose between going home or staying in the US to maintain...
Dreaming of the West, Boryana is determined not to have a child in communist Bulgaria. Nonetheless, her daughter Viktoria enters the world in 1979,...
Through two unique female personas the film suggests a metaphysical idea of the present as ever recurring, since the temptations, which the human...
I Am You
Khalid, a charismatic big dreamer from Brooklyn, with no follow-thru gets stuck in a small town on the Black Sea after chasing an opportunity for...
The Black Sea
A paramedic in a psychiatric clinic routinely performs duties related to three patients with severe mental disorders. Taking care of them on a daily...
Interview in The Womb of The Whale
Smart, angry, self-reliant Dida will stop at nothing to achieve a single tangible goal – to buy a plane ticket so she can join her estranged...
8 minutes and 19 seconds – that’s all the time we have until the news about the death of the sun reaches us. That's what it takes for the...
8' 19"
Together, a filmmaker and her characters venture into a personal research project about intimacy. On the fluid border between reality and fiction,...
Touch Me Not
Two estranged brothers are brought together when they have opposite roles in a racist beating: while Georgi who's recently joined a neo-nazi group...
Eastern Plays
The story of Omnipresent is centered around Emil, writer and owner of advertising agency who gradually becomes obsessed with spying on his family,...
A single mother, wanting to protect her eight-year-old son from pain, lies to him that his dad is away with the Antarctic expedition. But postponing...
Letters from Antarctica
The real story of the journalist Vesela Toteva (in the role is her daughter -Valentina Karoleva) searching for her own happiness during the dynamic...
A Dose of Happiness
Train driver Nurlan’s heading to Baku for the last time before retirement, but on his fateful journey around the neighborhoods of the city his...
The Bra