Set in the early part of 20th century Europe. There lived a dancer who becomes the romantic bone of contention between a humble shepherd and an...
Eva Bennet, a young mysterious widow appears at Pension Sanssouci in Berlin during the Weimar era. She attracts a lot of attention from everybody,...
Das Mädchen ohne Heimat
The sculptor Peter Starling shot himself in the museum. When the museum director examined the body, he found a diary from whose entries he could...
Narr und Tod
Claire, the wife of a bank teller, has a liason with a mysterious stranger while her husband is away.
Forger's Doom
Carl Michael Ziehrers Märchen aus Alt-Wien
Harry Bricourt is wealthy and has a family that loves him above all else. Nevertheless, he can not escape the charms of other women and spends a lot...
Harry Bricourt's Love Affairs