When an awkward but brilliant Chinese student wins a scholarship into a prestigious New Zealand University, she finds a new way of achieving the...
Oft-derided across the dutch for its vowel-mangling pronunciation (sex fush'n'chups anyone?) and too fast-paced for tourists and Elton John to...
New Zild - The Story of New Zealand English
15-year-old Davie Balfour is poised to receive a vast inheritance when he's lured onto a cargo ship, knocked unconscious, and kidnapped by his...
This Artsville documentary profiles Roger Hall, New Zealand’s most successful playwright. Three decades after Hall's early play Middle Age...
Who Laughs Last?
Confined to a secluded rest home and trapped within his stroke-ridden body, a former Judge must stop an elderly psychotic who employs a child's...
The Rule of Jenny Pen