Chaos ensues after the estranged patriarch of the Jones family dies on their doorstep. When the paramedic who answers their 911 call tries to win...
Jean of the Joneses
How can a smart middle class girl suddenly turn into a devoted right wing debater? That's what happens with Catherine when she meets the charismatic...
White Lies
In 1998, three white men in the small town of Jasper, Texas, chained a black man to the back of their pickup truck and dragged him to his death. This...
Jasper, Texas
A man takes his family on a camping trip and becomes convinced they are being stalked by the legendary monster of the New Jersey Pine Barrens: the...
The Barrens
A spiritual journey into the life of painter, writer and composer Mauricio Saravia.
Bah! Humbug! Susan Stone is definitely what you'd call a modern-day scrooge. She is a young, jaded book editor who is consumed with self-doubt and...
If You Believe
When a young barista takes her twin sister’s place for an escorting gig, all hell breaks loose when their mysterious client turns dangerous.
Twin Lies
With guidance from their mother, five siblings overcome humble beginnings to form the renowned gospel group the Clark Sisters.
The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel