A poor Swedish piano teacher and her foster daughter’s lives are upended when the child’s biological mother arrives in their small town...
The priest Hagen comes to a small Norwegian village one stormy evening. He brings the tragic news to wife Sigrid Bakken. Her husband and oldest son...
Son of the Sea
Orphan boy and vicar's daughter fall in love but her father is strongly opposed to their relationship.
Vingslag i natten
Four Swedish volunteer soldiers are trapped in Russia. In front of them lies the front with enemy outposts and patrols, behind them the enemy...
The Bread of Love
Conventions of civility among family members are severely strained by the very real breakup of the bonds between them. During a few days at a...
Summer Paradise
The farm workers at Näs Farm, lead by Hellman, go on strike, demanding that their employer recognize their labor union. But he calls on...
När ängarna blommar
A relay race of "scenes from human life". Depicts the human characters inferior traits are spreading like a disease: the person who gets rejected /...