Yoko is an undercover agent who's mission is to infiltrate the underground crime world led by Misaki. In her lonely mission, Yoko eventually comes...
A meteor lands in Japan and the fallout creates a “shield” around Tokyo, encasing the city in a foggy darkness. A state of martial law is...
Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay
The secretive realm of the world's deadliest ninja warriors is thrown into chaos as one by one, ninja clan leaders are brutally assassinated! What...
Legend of the Shadowy Ninja: The Ninja Dragon
A short tokusatsu movie where pro wrestler Cutie Suzuki plays a bounty hunter named Y and has to fight a monster. It's part of a series of sci-fi...
Monster Commando Y
In the year 20XX, homeless women are given the opportunity to improve their station in life by competing to see who's the strongest. The winner...
Angel Fighters
A sci fi\action monster movie from the writer of Guzoo: The Thing Forsaken by God and Battle Girl: Living Dead in Tokyo Bay.
Space Hunter Miki
The prestigious private Sakuraryo Gakuen, which has a 90-year tradition, has now lost its glory to the ground, and the back organization of the...
School Be-In Bully
In celebration of its 25th anniversary as a promotion, All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling (AJW) invited women from JWP, LLPW, and FMW to compete in a...
AJW Dream Slam 1
The Big Egg Wrestling Universe was a professional wrestling event held by All Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling (AJW) inside the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo,...
AJW Big Egg Wrestling Universe
Singles Match Hiromi Yagi vs. Fusayo Nochi Street Fight Dynamite Kansai vs. Mayumi Ozaki Tag Team Match Candy Okutsu & Devil Masami vs. Cutie...
JWP Jazz and Soul