During the First World War, Camille (Sylvie Testud), a young woman whose husband is away fighting at the front, receives a short letter of break-up...
La France
Solange is a typical 13 year old, curious and full of life, with perhaps the peculiarity of being overly sentimental and adoring her parents. But...
Little Solange
In the fall of 2010, Bozon and co-conspirator Pascale Bodet commandeered the first floor of Paris’s famed Centre Pompidou for 10 days of...
A college stands in the middle of verdant grounds. One day, Édouard, a student, suddenly falls sick. The college doctor is unable to diagnose...
Nastassia Philippovna finds herself juggling the affections of four men over the course of a single evening. One is her benefactor, the bourgeois...
The Idiot
"Complet 6 pièces" takes place in Paris in some couture workshops. It is a film made up of sketches, where by six times, working situations...
Complet 6 pièces
In the kingdom of Letonia, the young prince Égon spends his nights playing the drums. During the day, he only has one thing on his mind:...
Sleeping Beauty
A boy, a girl. They live in the same building. They share a passion for music. But when they meet in the elevator, Théo doesn’t see that...
The Apple of My Eye
Paris, at the beginning of the 21st century. Edouard is a painter, Charles is a poet. The two artists are friends, but their adverse circumstances...
Edouard and Charles