"Drama Special - Understanding Dance" is a romantic comedy about Byeong Hyeon's love for Soo Ji, whom he meets at dance class. (Source: Han Cinema)
Socialization – Understanding of Dance
Three friends, who majored in filmmaking in college together, decide to meet at a restaurant they used to frequent in front of their school. However,...
No Surprise
A story about three friends who just turned twenty; an age where you can do whatever you want, love whoever you want with opportunities abroad.
A gang of clowns is hired by an unpopular king to serve as propagandists who fabricate positive rumors and stage miracles to improve his personal...
Jesters: The Game Changers
A veteran gangster, Hee-su, is looking to retire from his crime family in the violent port town of Kuam, Korea. But an unexpected betrayal leads him...
Hot Blooded