GayChannel, the ultimate live report where the reporters search for the interesting and unusual. This time they run alongside the Secret Command...
Secret Commando
In Foreskin Follies, a new male strip joint holds an open cattle call for dancers, and the local exhibitionists race to line up and get paid (for a...
Foreskin Follies
A group of horny farm lads think that there is more to life than dull garden work... and hey, they are right!!! The sexy farm boys on this European...
Farm Boys
We guarantee that all performers are 18 years of age or older, 9" or better, and are in the custody of George Duroy.
BelAmi XL Files 2
Cars breakdown from time-to-time. And when they do, you'll need hot twinks like these to come to the rescue!
These young and chiseled studs are hungry for huge, hard and throbbing cock-and they want to ride them until they explode! French Connection brings...
Ride for a Fall: One Horny Week
Jirka's many fans will remember that he was an extremely tough nut to crack. Lots of hands slapped away from his private parts. Then. just like a...
Inside Jirka Gregor