A documentary short on Tempo Glauber, a foundation created by filmmaker Orlando Senna and Glauber Rocha's mother Lucia in order to celebrate and...
Tempo Glauber
A documentary short on Glauber Rocha's mother Lúcia.
At 84 years of age, Lúcia Rocha admitted herself to a hospital in São Paulo to undergo heart tests. Upon receiving the news about the...
The film is a narrative starting from the story of Pierre and Syl, a couple that experiences the conflict between possession and freedom in a...
Atlantic Garden
A meeting with music, composer, poet and sociologist Negro Léo. He gives his thoughts on the development of music, Brazilian and international...
During one night, a woman walks through Rio de Janeiro, and hears the music around: jazz, rock, eletronica...
Reviewing home videos, filmmaker Paula Gaitán constructs a curious narrative about her youth while talking to her children. A filmic note in...
Memória da memória