The plot revolves around Urmi who one day wakes up from a nightmare and realizes what she sees around, what she’s up against in real life often...
Khela Jawkhon
Set in the Backdrop of 1940s, the film is based on Maayakumari’s sudden disappearance.
A domestic-suspense noir is packed with secrets and scheming.
Iskaboner Bibi
Four men plan to bring back the fun in their lives by planning a trip to Uzbekistan without informing their wives about it. However, their wives soon...
Hoichoi Unlimited
Set in the tumultuous Naxalite uprising in Bengal in 1971, Byomkesh Bakshi gets involved in a story of vengeance when he decides to attend a play at...
Byomkesh Hotyamancha
Sheser Golpo is an Indian Bengali romantic drama film directed by Jiit Chakraborty. The film stars Soumitra Chatterjee as 'Amit Ray' and Mamata...
Sheser Golpo
The storyline of the film is based on the apprehension of the co-founder of Indian Mujahideen and conspirator of several bomb blasts in India, Yasin...
Upcoming movie by Arun Roy based on the popular novel by Sunil Gangopadhyay
Aranyer Dinratri
A film by Soumojeet Adak.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Saralakkho Holmes
The first story is set in the 1940s where a freedom fighter ends up taking refuge at a woman's place after being chased by the cops. The second story...
Sedin Kuyasha Chilo
A contemporary retelling of William Shakespeare's timeless tragedy Othello, exploring the intricacies of human emotions and the consequences of...
The Bengali-language biopic looks back on Hiralal Sen, who is credited with making India’s first advertising film and political documentary.
Makar Kanti Chatterjee is a semi-educated self-made businessman who tries hard but often fails to communicate in English. On the other hand, his...
Based on the historical attack on Writers' Building by three Bengal Volunteers in 1930. Releasing on Indian Republic Day.
8/12 (Binay Badal Dinesh)
Mahananda is an ambitious project based on the life and works of author and activist Mahashweta Devi who had devoted decades of her life to uplift...
Ananya Chatterjee in and as Annapurna.