ShortsHD is once again bringing the wildly popular Oscar nominated short film program (Live Action, Animation, and Documentary) to theaters in the...
The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2012: Animation
A Canadian artist turned diamond merchant in Vienna, Austria risks his life to smuggle Jews out of the Third Reich.
Charlie Grant's War
Two losers rob a rich guy and discover that, among the loot, they've taken a rare painting worth $2.8 million. John Larroquette plays his usual rude,...
Hot Paint
An English dreamer experiences both the beauty and harshness of nature when he relocates to the Canadian prairie.
Wild Life
The swaggering Petruchio agrees to marry the spitting hellcat, Katherine.
The Taming of the Shrew
A teenage girl falls in love with a boy, then discovers that his mother is the drunk driver who killed her sister.
When We First Met