Tica (Birdy) a war orphan arrives to Sarajevo with his newborn daughter urgently needing surgical procedure. Facing his new appalling reality, Tica...
The true story of Andrea and Franco Antonello, a father and autistic son who traveled by motorbike for three months between the United States and...
An ex-CIA operative is brought back in on a very personal mission and finds himself pitted against his former pupil in a deadly game involving high...
The November Man
A group of counter-terrorism agents are brought in to track down a man who was once the head of their squad, and is believed to have gone rogue.
The coming-back of a Bosnian studying-abroad girl leads to an unexpected discovery that will slowly erode family relationships.
Pink Elephant
It is the International Women's Day. Today, a Police Inspector Danijel will finally show his affection to his colleague Stella. Today, a victim of...
Ali, a young photographer who lives with his family, finds himself in an unusual and sad story in Bosnia and Herzegovina after a genetic disorder....
Secrets from the Past
Luna is a modern and laid-back girl who lives in Sarajevo and is getting married to her longtime boyfriend Haris. Martina is a young homosexual on...
The Other Luna