Loyal to her husband suffers from a weak personality due to strict upbringing, which exposes her to falling into the trap of her husband’s...
The Girls in Summer
Hassan wa Morcos wa Cohen
Yama Kan Fy Nefsi
The film revolves around an aristocratic family that lived in America. After returning to Cairo, one of the family members falls in love with the...
الا خمسه
Amshir works as a bodyguard in the cabaret owned by his Medhat al-Shamshiri, and a court sentences Medhat to a month in prison after he burned the...
30 Days in Prison
(Adel) the lawyer learns that there is a treasure buried in the wall of an old villa by means of a map he saw in a book he bought from Rupabiquia,...
only five (play)
If i were a stud (play)
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