Some students decide to set up a play written by one of their classmates, who has commited suicide. The play is based on a tragic and mysterious...
School Day of the Dead
Haiji was an elite runner, but has not competed due to a past injury. He then meets fellow elite runner Kakeru who also left running, but caused by a...
Feel the Wind
Futakotamagawa High School had a Baseball Club, but because of a fight during one of their games, they were suspended for a year from all games....
Rookies the Movie: Graduation
The film begins in the present, with its heroine, Kaoru, a grown-up woman working as a real-estate agent, while helping out the folksy proprietor of...
Dog in a Sidecar
To exact revenge, the Liar Game office is revived. The target is only one person: Shin'ichi Akiyama. Because of new heroine Shinomiya, Shin'ichi, who...
Liar Game: Reborn
Sugisaki (Tatsuya Fujiwara) is an actor already past his prime. He lands a job as the lead in a TV program. The television program ventures into...
Glory of the Expedition
The film's story revolves around Asakusa-born-and-raised Gen, who helps out at his family's strip club. With his friends Makoto, Jimmy, and Mattsun,...
Gaki Rock
New student Kanji transfers to 6th grade 2 class, where Ayami Mutoi works as the homeroom teacher. Students begin to talk among themselves that they...
My Little Nightmare: The Movie
In Ikebukuro, unbeaten street fighter Ran Sakurai (Yosuke Kawamura) and his friend Kenji (Yosuke Asari) run a benriya operation called "Randys" to...
Teenager Midori's family moves back to the city where she lived as a child and is relieved to discover that her old friend Ryusuke still lives there....
Love Ghost
The second in a series of Japanese TV movies about a police detective who has adopted the dress and mannerisms of famous American TV detective...
Columbo of Shinano 2- The Togakushi Legend Murder Case
The third in a series of Japanese TV movies about a police detective who has adopted the dress and mannerisms of famous American TV detective...
Columbo of Shinano 3 - The Hokkoku Kaido Murder Case
The fourth in a series of Japanese TV movies about a police detective who has adopted the dress and mannerisms of famous American TV detective...
Columbo of Shinano 4 - The Karuizawa Forked Road Murder Case
The fifth in a series of Japanese TV movies about a police detective who has adopted the dress and mannerisms of famous American TV detective...
Columbo of Shinano 5 - The 'Shinano Country' Murder Case