The Matsuno brothers return to the big screen, this time in live-action and portrayed by the members of the Japanese boy band Snow Man! Osomatsu ends...
Mr. Osomatsu
High school student Moe has moved to a new town after the death of her father. Moe’s already having enough trouble fitting into her new class...
My Boyfriend in Orange
A powerful new enemy appears in front of 3 gangs: Gokuraku Cho, Biisuto and Hiroshima Naitsu. Based on the manga "BADBOYS" by Hiroshi Tanaka...
BAD BOYS J The Movie -The Last Thing to Protect-
Hot Snow
Okajima, a senior at Toridesaka University who has dedicated himself to the sport of bouldering, is facing a crisis. With his graduation imminent, he...
Last Hold!
The 50 years old long-running legendary stageplay comes to big screen in 29 March 2019. Produced by Johnny Kitagawa himself, starring future stars...
Shounentachi Movie
Superstar Hideaki Takizawa reimagines his acclaimed kabuki production for the screen, featuring the dynamic talents of idol group Snow Man.
Takizawa Kabuki Zero 2020: The Movie