Dragon Reloaded again focuses on adventures of Lung Wai (Ronald Cheng) and his buddies. The three wacky cops, while enjoying their vacation in a...
Dragon Reloaded
In “A Man”, Police Inspector Shek reports his corrupt colleagues, but it is his own integrity which comes under investigation, Joyce's...
Based upon an urban legend of 2 rivalling bak kwa shops, "Hao Han Bak Kwa" and "Mei Mei Bak Kwa". The founders of these two stores however, Zeng Mei...
Perfect Rivals
Lotus never had a chance. Her mother seethed with anger at being unjustly imprisoned for turning her attemped rapist into a cyclops. Mother...
Broken Oath
In the wake of his father's heart attack, Ken must battle his father's mistress -- who persuaded her lover to transfer the grand master title to her...
Kung Fu Mahjong 3: The Final Duel
Lam Bo Sun, the richest man in Hong Kong, is expected to marry the ditziest of socialites in a matter of weeks. On a whim, he leaves everything...
The Fun, the Luck & the Tycoon
ATM is a Hong Kong Comedy-Drama starring Stanley Fung.
When Fu suffers a heart attack, his relatives hover around him hoping to get a slice of his great wealth. But despite his illness, the old man clings...
Fortune Hunter's Plot
After losing his title of king of gamblers, Asia's top card player holds a contest in the hopes of restoring his reputation and his wealth that was...
The Challenger
Ping An grew up in a single parent family with his mother and Aunty. However, Ping Ma keeps the fact of his dads death in secret and therefore would...
Find My Dad
May is a martial artist and Chinese medicine practitioner who resides in a temple in Omei mountain. Under the threat of her lovelorn master, Misery,...
Love for All Seasons