The story is centered around the transgender protagonist Tzu-chi who has left home for six years and her sister Tzu-chuan with whom she has fallen...
A Beautiful Bird Day
High school student Li Chih-hui worships martial arts movie star “Long” and dreams of becoming a kung fu master so he can defend himself...
Long Spirit
Her and I depicts an adolescent girl’s quest for love amidst her relationships with her boyfriend, mother and the world that surrounds her.
Her and l
Documentary about making of "Three Tears in Borneo".
Monologue of the Drifting Sea
Two high school boys stumble upon an unguarded scooter before class starts in the morning. Seeing a chance to finally taste freedom, they decide to...
A Day Out
17-year-old Hsiao-nan turned to her best friend, the guitarist Yu-kuang, to help her win the affection of Tzu-Chieh, whom she had a crush on....
Love Beside Me