A tragical-comedy film story that follows a young non-combatant platoon with defective fitness. Set in "Bahad 4" in the 50's, the movie focuses...
The sequel to "Yossi and Jagger" finds character Yossi (Ohad Knoller) leading a sad existence after losing his partner Jagger on the battlefield. A...
An impossible love story between Yossi, a former IDF soldier, and Dora, a mysterious French photographer visiting Israel, as they both struggle in...
Paradise Cruise
A politically incorrect comedy that enthralls the viewer into a strategic moment in history where wrong is right and right is wrong, and ultimately...
Bordering on Bad Behavior
Alienated from a society that no longer seems to have a place for them, two elderly ex-soldiers undertake a vigilante campaign against injustice and...
Two friends, a nerdy girl and a wannabe rockstar boy, spend a night at the museum and interact with various historical figures.
A Crazy Night at the Festigal
The 2008 iteration of the Festigal. An underwater adventure.
Catch the Festigal
A story of a soldier who, overeager to prove himself, lets his imagination delude him into attacking an imaginary enemy.
In distant China, the stars reveal to an elderly monk the worst news: Tigra, the Queen of Tigers, and her army of tigers are about to return to the...
Kung Fu Festigal
Oded wants to look cool in front of his boss, so he lies about knowing a secret beach in Sinai peninsula. Moti, the crazy CEO, decides to take Oded,...
Four by Four
Michal is 32 years old. She became religious 12 years ago, and only now is she getting married. A month before the wedding, while checking out the...
The Wedding Plan
Festigal GAME ON
A chase begins for the four elements: fire, earth, water, and air, which can be used to control the world, as a boy tries to stop the evil master and...
X Festigal
A drama centered on an orphaned Palestinian girl growing up in the wake of the first Arab-Israeli war who finds herself drawn into the conflict.
Germany 1945, Max, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, meets a radical group of Jewish resistance fighters, who, like him, lost all hope for their future...
Plan A
Three strangers from the ends of Israeli society - two men and a woman - meet due to an extremist attack during a pride parade, and they have a...
We Are the Revolution