The drama depicts the exploits of the “Ichigeki Hishikkitai”, a special combat unit formed by farmers to deal with the "Imperial Robbers"...
Susume is a young dentist who can’t communicate well with people since childhood. One day, he meets and falls in love with a woman named...
In Her Room
Tatsuya Iguchi, a legendary delinquent feared as the "Mad Dog of Komae," is released from juvenile detention. He starts a new life working at a...
Alien Artist
シソンヌライブ [dix]
シソンヌライブ [onze]
シソンヌライブ [neuf]
Taking place after the events of the TV series, Mitsuhashi and Ito face the new enemies.
From Today, It's My Turn!!: The Movie
A boy meeting his girlfriend's father for the first time. Visiting a hospitalized high school classmate. The last drink between a failed entertainer...
Meters Away, Worlds Apart
Yuji double booked an online date with two lovers at the same time on the same day. The two women are Aya, an office worker and Maya, a college...
Double Booking
Zenitendo is a mysterious candy store that only lucky people can reach. All the candy recommended by Beniko, the owner of the store, is perfectly...
Fushigi Dagashiya: Zenitendou
シソンヌライブ [treize]